The first and only dictionary of terms and definitions exclusively des igned for audiologists, specifically catering to the needs of the prof ession and its current and future members.
The first and only dictionary of terms and definitions exclusively designed for audiologists, specifically catering to the needs of the profession and its current and future members.
Singular's Illustrated Dictionary of Medical Audiology
A pocket-sized reference defining over 4,500 terms for students and practitioners of audiology.
labial pertaining to the lips labyrinth the inner ear, so named because of the intricate maze of connecting pathways in ... chemical purposeful destruction of the vestibular labyrinth by injection of vestibulotoxic drugs in an effort to ...
KEYWORDS hearing loss hearing screening pure tone audiometry school-age children neonatal screening prevalence public health school health services REFERENCES Davis, ... Anderson, K. L. The Developing Child with Unilateral Hearing Loss.
Volume 1: Clinical Protocols and Hearing Devices Volume 2: Otoprotection, Regeneration, and Telemedicine Stavros Hatzopoulos. held in Brussels. ... Anderson, K. L. The Developing Child with Unilateral Hearing Loss.
This text will provide students with the knowledge required to develop effective skills that can be used in their professional work settings. Hearing and Deafness i
Pseudohypacusis: False and Exaggerated Hearing Loss
The deaf white cat has long held a fascination to humans, attracting the attention of Charles Darwin, among others.3,4 The product of a single autosomal dominant locus, White (W), demonstrates pleiotropic effects, including a white coat ...
Classroom Success for the LD and ADHD Child (ISBN 0-89587-159-9, 1997) The Complete Learning Disabilities Directory, 2005–06 Edition (ISBN 1-59237-092-6, 2005) This annual directory, which offers a wealth of resources pertaining to ...