Travels with a Tangerine: A Journey in the Footnotes of Ibn Battutah

Travels with a Tangerine: A Journey in the Footnotes of Ibn Battutah
Travel / Essays & Travelogues
Welcome Rain Publishers
Tim Mackintosh-Smith


Ibn Battutah, the greatest traveler of the pre-mechanical age, set out in 1325 from his native Tangiers on the pilgrimage to Mecca. By the time he returned twenty-nine years later, he had visited most of the known world, traveling three times the distance Marco Polo allegedly covered.
Captivated by the paths taken and the words written by this inquistive, untiring man - a great Tangerine, or resident of Tangiers - Arabic scholar and award-winning travel writer Tim Mackintosh-Smith retraces the first stage of the Moroccan's eccentric journey, from Tangiers to Constantinople, traveling both in Ibn Battutah's footsteps and in the footnotes of his text, rooting out memorabilia of the man and his age. Destinations include the Egyptian desert, castles in Syria, the Kuria Muria Islands in the Arabian Sea, the shores of the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and some of the greatest cities of medieval Islam. Mackintosh-Smith also explores a parellel landscape: the contemporary Muslim world, filled with wonders and marvels, at once fresh and strangely resonant with echoes of Ibn Battutah's own travels.

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