Assignments designed to accompany: Fundamentals of legal research (6th ed.) or Legal research illustrated (6th ed.).
Instructor's Manual: To Accompany the Assignments
Legal Research Illustrated: An Abridgment of Fundamentals of Legal Research, Sixth Edition
Introduces the publication process and methods for locating court cases, and examines other sources of primary law and secondary sources useful in legal research. Covers international law, English legal research,...
... Legal Research Illustrated . Sixth Edition . An Abridgment of Fundamentals of Legal Research . Sixth Edition . Westbury , N.Y .: Foundation Press , 1994. 503 pp . Price , Miles O. , Harry Birner , and Shirley Raissi Bysiewicz . Effective ...
-- This is a student supplement associated with: Wills, Trusts, and Estates Administration Plus NEW MyLegalStudiesLab and Virtual Law Office Experience with Pearson eText, 3/e Suzan D. Herskowitz ISBN: 0133024059
... Other Classic Rules for Single Women . LC 94-33737 . ( Illus . ) . 176p . 1994. pap . 9.95 ( 0-944042-35 - X ) ... Americans Workbook . ( Illus . ) . 52p . ( Orig . ) . 1994. pap . 12.95 ( 0-9625175-2-6 ) Oyate . Smith , Bill . The Bride's ...
Throughout the text, illustrations show key features of print and electronic sources. Every chapter of the 10th edition has been updated. Many chapters have been substantially rewritten.
Principles of Legal Research will be published in June and available for fall 2009 class adoptions. Principles of Legal Research is the long-awaited successor to the venerable How to Find...
Fundamentals of Legal Research
This revised Sixth Edition is designed to help students master the legal concepts and doctrines presented, and to give them experience in applying basic legal principles to common business situations.