The Second Edition of the Agrochemicals Desk Reference is a revised, up-to-date volume. Much new data has been added to this edition, reflecting the wealth of literature in the field. Featured are environmental and physical/chemical data on more than 200 compounds, including pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Among the new additions and changes are: The Environmental Fate section which has been expanded and is now subdivided into the following categories: Biological, Soil, Plant, Surface Water, Groundwater, Photo- lytic, and Chemical/Physical. Also the introduction of experimentally determined bioconcentration factors and half-lives of chemicals in various media. All compounds are listed in alphabetical order, making it easy to find the data you need.
(21) Wauchope, R. D., Buttler, T. M., Hornsby A. G., Augustijn-Beckers, P. W. M., and Burt, J. P. SCS/ARS/CES pesticide properties database for environmental decisionmaking. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 123, 1–157, 1992.
+ C10H10O4 + 21O3 → 10CO2 5H2O + 21O2 Toxicity: EC10 (72-h) for Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata 50.4 mg/L (Jonsson and Baun, 2003). ... EC50 (48-h) for Daphnia magna 45.9 mg/L (Adams et al., 1995) and 284 mg/L (Jonsson and Baun, 2003).
"Environmental Chemicals Desk Reference is a concise version of the widely read Agrochemicals Desk Reference and Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference."--Page 4 of cover.
This book covers issues around international product quality and safety standards and describes the current and likely future trends which will carry the industry forward into the next millennium.
The information in the guide will be of value to those directly engaged in the handling and use of agrochemicals. Emphasis is on safe handling and use, and on practical measures to be taken to avoid undue consequences.
This reference handbook provides fully updated chemical, regulatory, health, and safety information on nearly 800 pesticides and other agricultural chemicals.
Environmental and toxicological aspects are included. This work is a single source reference containing authoritative articles, definitions, literature citations and suggestions for further reading.
The book defines the occurrence, sources, types and effects of agrochemicals, including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and soil fumigants in the environment.
Biologically Active Natural Products: Pharmaceuticals demonstrates the connections between agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals and explores the use of plants and plant products in the formulation and development of pharmaceuticals.
Honeycutt, R.C. and Day, E.W. (Eds.) (2001) Worker Exposure to Agrochemicals – Methods for Monitoring and Assessment. ... Lu, C., Barr, D.B., Pearson, M.A. and Waller, L.A. (2008) Dietary intake and its contribution to longitudinal ...