An excursion through the Japanese-American internment using archival materials from the author’s own family. In this unique memoir, Karen Tei Yamashita draws on her family’s history and creates a series of epistolary conversations with composite characters representing a range of academic specialties. Historians, anthropologists, classicists—their disciplines, and Yamashita’s engagement with them, are a way for her explore various aspects of the internment and to expand its meaning beyond her family, and our borders, to ideas of debt, forgiveness, civil rights, and community. From a National Book Award finalist, Letters to Memory is “in moments deeply personal and impressionistic and in moments pulling back into a voice of epic omniscience” (The Boston Globe). “Interrogates the cruelty of internment and the random nature of immigration, war, birth and death and disease through her own probing, lively correspondence . . . The irony and dark humor of Yamashita’s interrogations, of her nimble prose and sentences, illuminate the tragedies.” —Los Angeles Times
This dive into the Yamashita family archive and Japanese internment runs a documentary impulse through filters that shimmer with imagination.
"Victoria Chang is consistently a poet who resurrects mediums." --THE MILLIONS
This letter book provides ample space to record more than 100 letters from your friends and loved ones and keep them for years to come. Add To Cart Now A perfect book to keep all the love wishes from your loved ones in one place.
Letters to You
Carefully reassembled with calm, steady hands, these shards tell the story of how a seemingly ordinary Jewish family somehow managed to survive the myriad persecutions and repressions of the last century.
... Jeffrey Hom, Carl & Heidi Horsch, Amy L. Hubbard & Geoffrey J. Kehoe Fund, Kenneth Kahn & Susan Dicker, ... Joshua Mack & Ron Warren, Gillian McCain, Mary & Malcolm McDermid, Sjur Midness & Briar Andresen, Maureen Millea Smith ...
And “Doctor Péraud's” apartment stood in contrast to all that, especially in winter, the winters of the early sixties, which I remember as being much harsher than winters today. I admit that on my first visit to “Doctor Péraud,” I ...
This book makes an amazing gift for the Bride to Be or the Bridesmaids to remember an amazing night or weekend with all of your best friends! Find more Little Secrets Journals here:
Indeed, this daily indifference to being left behind epitomizes the unique pain of grieving. Victoria Chang captures this visceral, heart-stopping ache in Obit, the book of poetry she wrote after the death of her mother.
" From "Barbie Chang Lives": Barbie Chang lives on Facebook has a house on Facebook street so she can erase herself Facebook is a country with no trees it allows her to believe people love her don't want to cover her Barbie Chang . . .