Moon Handbooks Tonga-Samoa

Moon Handbooks Tonga-Samoa
David Stanley
David Stanley


Long recognized as the premier travel writer to the South Pacific, author David Stanley narrows and deepens his focus in Tonga-Samoa Handbook. Covering the lush, tropical Samoas, the ancient Kingdom of Tonga, and lonely little Niue, this book provides: -- Penetrating coverage of the unique histories, cultures, and mores of the region -- Practical tips on flights to Tonga-Samoa and interisland travel -- Extensive accommodations listings, from the colorful International Dateline Hotel in Nuku'alofa to low-budget guesthouses in Apia -- Tips on where and what to eat: traditional Samoan palusami, the gargantuan Tongan feasts of Vava'u, and the pizzerias and mountainous ice-cream cones of Pago Pago -- 32 detailed maps

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