Business Organizations for Paralegals

Business Organizations for Paralegals
Business Organizations for Paralegals
Law / Business & Financial
Aspen Law & Business
Deborah E. Bouchoux


BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS FOR PARALEGALS carefully guides students through each form of business enterprise - complementing the presentation with simple and practical tips on forming and maintaining businesses. Author of the highly successful Legal Research and Writing for Paralegals and a respected paralegal educator, Deborah E. Bouchoux not only provides students with a detailed overview of the subject area, but also give them a firm understanding of its terms and concepts. Business Organizations for Paralegals clearly explains the tasks required of paralegals in services involving formation, tax planning, combination, dissolution, and other business activities; the advantages and disadvantages of each form of organization, including limited liability companies; how business is conducted, with terms and concepts defined as they arise in context; principles of employee compensation and employment agreements; business ethics and other special topics in business law...and much more. For each of the five major types of organization, The book includes a section on the paralegal's role, sample forms with tips for preparing documents, resource guides, and discussion questions that challenge students to apply concepts to fact patterns. Appendices include: statutes from which business organization concepts are derived; Secretary of State listings for all 50 states; samples of bylaws; a consent in lieu of meeting form; and a shareholder buy-sell agreement. A comprehensive glossary helps explain new terms and concepts to students.

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