With its modular organization, Cox, Hillman, and Langevoort's second edition is notable for its currency and class-proven pedagogy. This popular casebook builds on the problem approach to provide an intellectually stimulating yet eminently teachable introduction To The field. SECURITIES REGULATION, Second Edition, opens with an engaging chapter that presents the issues in terms of their effect on investors. From this unique starting point, students progress to well-conceived problems that require them to fill the role of judge or lawyer. Timely coverage brings students in direct contact with: mutual funds; a new chapter on Investment Advisers and Investment Companies explores the growth of the industry And The resulting regulatory problems the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 today's high tech environment and its implications for regulation contemporary theories and academic literature The problems in SECURITIES REGULATION, Second Edition, are carefully structured to be multi-level, So professors have a point of departure into as much theory as they wish. With this modular casebook, you can select the subjects and topics you wish to cover and sequence them to match your syllabus. Whatever level of depth and detail your course brings To The Securities Act or the Securities Exchange Act, this fully revised casebook will fit your needs.
To view or download the 2021 Supplement for this book, click here. CAP is pleased to announce the publication of the Seventh Edition of Professor Marc Steinberg's seminal textbook, Securities Regulation.
The Ninth Edition of Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials brings onboard two new co-authors—Ann Lipton and William Sjostrom—to a casebook that has long set the standard for providing students with an in-depth, sophisticated, ...
The Examples & Explanations series has been ranked the most popular study aid among law students because it is equally as helpful from the first day of class through the final exam.
The book utilizes the problem method along with explanatory narrative, SEC pronouncements, and case law. It can easily be used in both a general securities regulation course as well as more specialized offerings in this field.
Students depend on Securities Regulation: Examples & Explanations because it gives them what they need: - coverage of key concepts, such as public offerings, exemptions from registration, liability in securities...
Paine Webber , Inc. , [ 1992 Transfer Binder ) CCH Fed . Sec . L. Rep . q 96,997 ( E.D. Pa . 1992 ) ; Wood & Locker , Inc. v . Doran and Associates , 708 F. Supp . 684 ( W.D. Pa . 1989 ) ; Hill v . Dyer , 521 F. Supp .
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.
This casebook provides the tools for the study of the law of securities regulation. This edition has been extensively revised and reorganized. Topics covered include the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the competitiveness...
Treatise on the Law of Securities Regulation
Securities Regulation in a Nutshell