Grimassi has written extensively about Wicca, and Llewellyn specializes in books sympathetic to occult ways, so the combination is pretty predictable. He describes not only the usual magic practices, but also the religious and spiritual aspects of what believers say is inherited ancient European wisdom and scoffers say is made-up, new-age nonsense. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
A few years later, in 1588, Alison Pearson of Byrehill was charged with invoking the spirits of the Devil. She also was said to have a fairy familiar: her cousin, William Sympson, a physician who had been kidnapped by a Gypsy and had ...
The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-paganism Raymond Buckland. The literal climax of sex ... This is yet another reason that it is more usual to find sex magic done by single couples and Solitaries rather than by covens.
A Guide to the Magickal World Gerina Dunwich. IDOL An image or inanimate object representing a god or goddess. ... IMAGE MAGICK A primitive but potent form of magick, which works on the basic principle that like produces like.
Here is the ultimate source of information on all things Wiccan and Neo-Pagan, an indispensable tool for anyone wanting to learn about the history, traditions, and major figures of modern nontraditional religions.
1 Abel, Ernest L., Alcohol: Wordlore and Folklore. Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1987. ... Rituals and lore associated with Chinese foods. 4 Bailey, Adrian, The Blessings of ... 5 Baker, Margaret, Folklore and Customs of Rural England.
The author of the popular Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells and Encyclopedia of Spirits now explores the exciting magic and power of the mystical world of witches in Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, a comprehensive reference book that covers ...
Identifies famous witches, explains terms dealing with witchcraft, and describes related churches and organizations
The Wicca Encyclopedia(TM) includes: ⭐ Wiccan beliefs: Differences and Traditions ⭐ The Wicca Encyclopedia(TM) includes: ⭐ Wiccan beliefs: Differences and Traditions ⭐ Wiccan Calendar: The Magical Wheel ⭐ Wicca for Beginners: ...
Understanding the Mystery Teachings of Witchcraft is essential for anyone wishing to enrich their Craft. World-renowned author and scholar Raven Grimassi guides readers down the well-worn path to these Mystery...
The Wicca Encyclopedia includes ★ Wiccan beliefs: Differences and Traditions ★ Wiccan Calendar: The Magical Wheel ★ Wicca for Beginners: Starter Kit ★ Wicca Book of Spells ★ Wicca Book of Shadows ★ Wicca Candle, Crystal and ...