Expand self-awareness with the Astro-analysis approach to astrology! This is a completely new and unique system that combines simple astrological information with the three-ring model of basic ego states (Parent, Adult and Child) used in popular psychology. This powerful self-help tool delineates the personality's energy patterns, highlighting areas in need of balance.
Zhan pu ru men (zhong he pian)
Mei meng cheng zhen de fu zhou shu
In The Astrological World of Jung's Liber Novus, Liz Greene explores the planetary journey Jung portrayed in this remarkable work and investigates the ways in which he used astrological images and themes as an interpretive lens to help him ...
Gary Goldschneider's combination of astrology, numerology and psychoanalytic research of 14,000 people will reveal your personal strengths, weaknesses and major issues, while providing individual advice, insight and spiritual guidance.
A spiral-bound, illustrated, keepsake companion book to The Secret Language of Birthdays allows readers to keep track of their loved ones' birthdays and personality traits, as well as their relationships with them.
Gary Goldschneider's combination of astrology, numerology and pure observation and intuition will reveal your personal strengths, weaknesses and major issues, while providing individual advice, insight and spiritual guidance.
Astro-Psychology: Astrological Symbolism and the Human Psyche
Synchronicity: an Acausal Connecting Principle
This book provides a remarkably revealing picture of your total personality, by going beyond the simple twelve Sun signs and combining them with the twelve Moon signs.