A Rich Man's Secret: An Amazing Formula for Success

A Rich Man's Secret: An Amazing Formula for Success
Fiction / Visionary & Metaphysical
Llewellyn Publications
Ken Roberts


It's the key to wealth and wisdom. It's an intriguing mystery. It's a novel that will fascinate and educate. It's A Rich Man's Secret by Ken Roberts.

Ken Roberts spent years studying self-help guides, moving from job to job, and worrying about how to achieve personal and professional success. He thought he knew the answer, but his schemes fizzled. Then he discovered the inner principle that you will learn in A Rich Man's Secret.

This book is unique, with no recycled and fruitless adages. Does it work? Ken Roberts is more than just an American "everyman" who found success. Today, his philosophical and financial guidance has reached over 200,000 subscribers in eighty-six countries. His guides to prosperity have grossed over forty million dollars and have international acclaim.

Rather than simply tell you the spiritual and financial truths (which could be ignored or overlooked for their simplicity), A Rich Man's Secret is an exciting novel that will touch your heart and instill you with his elegant and clear presentation of ancient tenets leading to success.

The story is about Victor Truman, a person who represents many people. He spends his days scanning the want ads, going to get-rich-quick seminars and listening to talk radio. But his every effort leaves him impoverished in spirit . . . and in his wallet.

One day, while retrieving an errant golf ball, he stumbles upon a forgotten woodland cemetery and a tombstone engraved with a strange message. "Take the first step-no more, no less-and the next will be revealed."

Puzzled, Victor Truman starts out to find out what this means. Is the tombstone really that of a wealthy industrialist? What are the next steps? Why do the clues seem to be left specifically for him?

Crackling with the suspense of a detective story, yet soothing in its homespun wisdom and common sense, A Rich Man's Secret delivers scene upon scene of the quiet trials and tribulations we all experience during life. The conclusion will have you nodding in agreement at the way success can be had in all aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, and financial.

Get A Rich Man's Secret for a better future.

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