Provides dozens of spiritual and magical spells, rituals, and exercises
Sacred Flames illustrates the active role that lighting played in Egyptian society, providing a richer understanding of the symbolic and social value of artificial light and the role of lighting in ritual space and performance in ancient ...
The Seven Sacred Flames
Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames
Presents an introduction to witchcraft, with information on such topics as astral projection, stocking a magickal cabinet, healing techniques, telepathy, reincarnation, webweaving, divination, fortune telling, and spellcasting.
The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation This book has everything a teen Witch could want and need between two covers: a magickal cookbook, encyclopedia, dictionary, and grimoire.
Softcover edition of original The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia Louise Jones
Boasting more than 100,000 copies in print, this indispensable guide has been revised and updated. Silver RavenWolf dishes out tried-and-true Witch wisdom, covering the essentials of Witchcraft. New cover New interior design New edit
Spiritual practice is essential to the Johannite tradition, and this book will show you how to begin.
The winding plot of this occult fiction turns sharply on a generations-old battle between two powerful families in the small Southern town of Whiskey Springs.
Silver's Spells for Protection contains tips for dealing with all these situations, and more. This book covers how to handle stalkers, abusers, and other nasties with practical information as well as magickal techniques.