Marketing is more than a television ad for a new birthing center or press coverage of a health fair. Marketing is reputation management. Marketing has become increasingly important to all healthcare managers, not just marketers, and only senior management can ensure that any marketing plan faithfully reflects the organization's image and strategic thrust.
This book explains what marketing is, what it can contribute to your organization, how it is done, and how it is measured. This straightforward guide will help you become a better marketer--not in the sense of developing marketing campaigns but using marketing to shape and control your organization's reputation.
Topics covered include:
The marketing process The senior manager's role in marketing Marketing research and planning The dollars and sense of marketing Market positioning and strategy development The promotional toolbox The changing marketing paradigm Measuring the effectiveness of marketing(美)莫·邦内尔(Mo Bunnell)著, 信任译. 都会享用一份顶级的外卖午餐, ... 同时,回想一下罗伯特·西奥迪尼博士对稀缺的解读。 ... 如果你在某个地域有足够多这样的人(比如说,亚特兰大地区罗素2000指数公司的首席财务官们),那就增加一个地理限制。
... covert , or semiformal — that were extended to the DPRK by Western governments in the kangsong taeguk period , we might well discover that the ratio of such outside assistance to local commercial earnings began to approach the scale ...
PROBLEM 2-3 Bosco Industries is a manufacturer in North Carolina. Sampson Mills is a steel mill in Ohio. Bosco has purchased cold rolled steel for use in its manufacturing process from Sampson for eight continuous years.
本书通过对市场营销与财务管理关系的剖析,从而使企业管理者看清二者之间的关系和矛盾,并针对性的提出整合两者关系的对策,使市场营销和财务管理能够协调发展,提高企业利 ...
本书主要内容包括:市场营销观念,市场营销理论的演变与发展;营销管理过程,营销组织、指挥、协调和控制等方面应采取的措施或方法;影响企业营销活动的各种环境因素分析, ...
在找到潜在客户以后,不能指望一口吃成胖子,对那些具有潜力的潜在客户进行拜访,最初的访问可能只是浅层次上的,但随着访问次数的增加,访问频率的加快,可以增加访问的深度。对于销售人员来说,端正态度非常重要。在销售中你需要时刻调整对待寻找潜在客户的 ...
王明问郭康。“我不知道你团队员工是否都很敬业?”郭康问道。“他们都知道自己应该做什么,并且也都很努力工作。”王明说。“这还不够,你要知道你的团队是不是都致力于完成整个团队的合作,并且把这些工作都做好了呢?是不是在某个员工或者某一个环节出现困难的 ...
ME TH 不做日复一日的销售员要当独一无二的销售麦当劳创始人雷·克拉克亲传弟子倾力钜献移动互联网时代,想要“吸金” ,先要“吸睛” 501 KILLER MARKETING TACTICS 高能销售师减少工作和提高收入的 501 个销售滤镜汤姆·费登斯坦( Tom Feltenstein )销售是一种 ...