Leadership for Public Health: Theory and Practice

Leadership for Public Health: Theory and Practice
James Holsinger


Instructor Resources: Test bank, PowerPoint slides, and answer guides to discussion questions Today's rapidly evolving public health arena urgently needs effective leaders. In fact, this need is so pressing that the major public health associations have come together to call for a new emphasis on leadership development in the public health workforce. Leadership for Public Health: Theory and Practice aims to answer this call. The book is based on the premise that skilled public health leaders consider people their most valuable resource and are prepared to lead those people through a wide variety of situations. Acknowledging that effective leadership cannot rely on a one-size-fits-all approach, the authors challenge readers to try out a number of leadership models and theories, determine which are the best fit for their public health practice, and apply the key principles in their day-to-day work. The book matches its detailed discussion of leadership theory with examples and cases specific to the field of public health. Written primarily for graduate-level public health students, it is also useful for public health leadership institutes and public health practitioners looking to develop their leadership skills. The book is structured in three parts: - The Basis for Effective Public Health Practice, which provides an overview of leadership and professionalism in today's public health landscape - Leadership Theories and Concepts, which explores the models of leadership most likely to aid aspiring leaders - The Effective Practice of Public Health Leadership, which further develops the theories and concepts as they apply to public health Leadership for Public Health: Theory and Practice presents a practical framework for leaders at any public health organization, regardless of size or type, and at any level in the organizational hierarchy. Ultimately, the book aims to develop the leadership necessary to galvanize organizations and communities in transformational change to improve the public's health.

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