Principles of International Politics: People's Power, Preferences, and Perceptions

Principles of International Politics: People's Power, Preferences, and Perceptions
Political Science / International Relations / General
CQ Press
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita


The only introductory text that offers students real world skills for real world issues Leaders want to stay in power. In fact, decision makers regularly forego sincerely held beliefs rather than risk losing their jobs. This self-interest is the decisive motivation for action in the international arena and forms the theoretical backbone for this distinct, exciting departure from other introductory texts. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita has now enhanced and improved this exciting text's coverage and conceptual focus, while revising and updating chapters to make Principles even more accessible to students. In addition to important new coverage of international political economy, law, organisations, and international political history, the second edition is even better organised, and contains more user-friendly explanations of technical material, as well as a host of new examples drawn from current world events. Second Edition Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and D. Scott Bennett This useful workbook has been redesigned and refocused specifically to help students understand the game theoretic and other technical concepts that structure the strategic perspective. Matching Principles chapter by chapter, students work through problem sets to apply what they've learned. With new material adapted from the textbook, novice students will hone their problem-solving skills, whilst more advanced students have the opportunity to test their capabilities with challenging material. 1-56802-775-3 paperback GBP9.99190 X 235mm 133 pages 2003 Special Offer! Buy the text and workbook shrink-wrapped together at the special price of GBP34.99 Order using ISBN: 1-56802-794-X Ancillaries - Free to adopters! 1. Solutions manual - containing all the answer to the workbook's problems and exercises 2. items - multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, as well as essay questions. With CQP Test Writer, instructors can create multiple forms of a test to prevent cheating, print out matching answer keys, and customize questions to meet individual needs. PowerPoint slides highlight key concepts and provide a spring board for Bruce

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