This book is about work with adolescents and their families. It is based on a particular psychoanalytic understanding of the way people function and grow and on the development of a corresponding family therapy model. It includes throughout detailed examples to illustrate the interactions between therapists and family members together with the concepts used to understand and work with them. This volume presents an approach therapists can learn in order to make the most of their capacity to be in touch with their own and others' feelings as a major tool in the therapeutic work with families. Adolescence is viewed as epitomizing a transitional time when hard-won patterns of stability in the family - individually and as a group - are liable to break down. Hitherto denied and split-off feelings threaten to erupt and may cause disturbing changes of attitude and behavior. There is the danger of severe fragmentation but at the same time a chance to reintegrate the unmanageable aspects rather than deal with them via projection and acting out. However, the only way this can happen is if those split-off feelings and functions can be contained and integrated at a feeling level as well as at a verbal level. The authors describe a method that helps the family as a whole and as individuals to come to grips with the processes that are causing trouble, and to discover or rediscover previously disowned aspects of themselves. In this approach therapists represent and carry the functions and painful feelings that cannot otherwise be borne, such as madness, inadequacy or rejection, toward the possibility of their being made bearable and reintegrated. The model draws heavily on the concepts of Melanie Kleinand her successors - particularly that of projective identification, the notion of the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, the work on narcissism and borderline states, and especially Bion's contributions to the processes of thinking and "containment". Unlike many other approaches, it calls for constant attention to the effect of the therapist within the system and readiness to include this effect in interpretations. Therapists are not outside providing advice and instructions, or inside discussing their own feelings, but rather working on the boundary with the task of understanding how they are being perceived, used, and experienced. It is this process that provides the possibility of unbearable feelings being made more bearable and unmanageable conflicts being managed, clearing the way to integration and growth.
Explores Jung's psychological concepts regarding the nature, function and importance of man's symbols as they appear on both the conscious and subconscious level
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung: Mysterium Coniunctionis : an Inquiry Into the Separation and Synthesis of Psychic Opposites...
早期关于女性双性恋的观点有,维特尔斯(Wittels,1934)认为女性使用她们的美貌就像一个阳具。他相信,使用化妆品和日常美容获得自恋式自我提升是神经症性的、同性恋的和男性化的。他认为,阴茎嫉妒是神经症依附于美貌的成因。布莱恩(Bryan,1930)认为, ...
本书是卡伦·霍尼的代表作之一,也是精神分析学派的重要著作。本书讨论了人内心的主要冲突类型以及它们的各种表现形式,分析并归纳了各种相互矛盾的态度和倾向,指出了被这 ...
本书出版于1900年,已在全球范围畅销一百多年。它通过对梦境的心理学探索和解释,不仅打破了几千年来人类对梦的无知,同时还标志着精神分析理论的初步形成,所以被誉为精神 ...
本书基于1915年前后弗洛伊德在维也纳大学的一系列演讲结集而成,分成三部分。第一部分为“过失心理学”,针对一般正常人在日常生活中的失误来分析行为之下的深层含意,即可 ...
西格蒙德.佛洛伊德. 9 佛註:Chauffeurs,為法國大革命時旺代省(Vendée)的強盜,會施用文中提及的酷刑。 ... 海因里希.舒伯特(一七八○~一八六○)為內科醫師,著有《看見自然科學的黑暗面》(Views ofthe Night-Side of the Natural Sciences, 1808)及《夢的 ...
本书共计二十八讲,其来源是1915-1917年间,弗洛伊德在维也纳大学所作的二十八场演讲。内容分为三个部分,前四讲主要讲的是过失心理;第五讲—第十五讲主要是对梦的解析;第十 ...
可是当我向他暗示着“Schlemihl”(“Schlemihl”是与用“-yl”结尾的词押韵的一个词,源于希伯来文,德文中常指笨手笨脚无能的人)也是这系列中的另一个时,他很高兴地笑了起来,并说在这个夏季里,他读了本普霍斯(Marcel Prévost)写的书,里面有一章是《拉摩的私物》, ...
Explores the duality of the human mind and its implications for education and human happiness, detailing how the right half of the brain affects athletic prowess, problem-solving skills, and sexual prowess