She is determined to have the baby she and her late husband had wanted. By accident she stumples on to a fertility clinic run by a husband and wife. Soon, it becomes apparent everything is not right at the clinic. She finds that she is being stalked and someone wants her dead ...
Added to this edition is new information on issues such as the death of one or more babies from a multiple birth, pregnancy interruption and the questioning of aggressive medical intervention.
Books on Infertility , Pregnancy and Health Chism , D. M. The High - Risk Pregnancy Sourcebook : Everything You Need to ... Luke , B. Every Pregnant Woman's Guide to Preventing Premature Birth : A Program for Reducing the Sixty Proven ...
With this book I was no longer a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.” Jeanette Siebels, after infant death
Two things Mama knows: sweet-potato pie...and murder.
Life is never the same in the wake of the loss, but a new normal is possible. The book will be a welcome resource for families who have lost a child, as well as for those seeking to care for them in their traumatic grief.
That same year , Thomas Addison presented his first paper on the adrenal disease that would come to bear his name . Just six years later , his classic monograph , On the Constitutional and Local Effects of Disease of the Supra - Renal ...
? Over 750,000 Signet copies of Karen Harper's books in print! ? Karen Harper won the 1994 Romantic Times Award for Best Historical Novel for Wings of Morning ?
Overpopulation has long been a global concern. But between modern medicine and reduced fertility, world population may in fact be shrinking--and is almost certain to do so by the time...
Most importantly, parents facing the death of a baby will find necessary support in this gentle guide. If reading this book moves you to cry, try to accept this reaction. Your tears merge with those of other grieving parents.
The author recalls the events surrounding the kidnapping of her newborn daughter.