Agatha and Scott were enemies, then friends. And when the sweet innocence of a child opened their eyes, and their hearts, in each other's arms they were reborn--by the soft, wondrous gift of love...
Welcome to New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kristen Ashley's Colorado Mountain Series, where friends become family and everyone deserves a second chance.
FiveThirtyEight blog, August 26, 2012, http:// -presidential-race/. 9. James E. Campbell, The American Campaign (College Station: Texas A&M Press, ...
Justice Lonesome has enjoyed a life of bounty.
A deadly international hunt leads to a fascinating sting in Mexico City before it returns to the sickening web of sports corruption in the United States. THE GREAT GAMBLE is full of suspense and revelation.
strong sense of loyalty—but in his case, to his longtime best friend, Brent Scowcroft, who had been close to the first ... In early December, Senator Gordon Smith, a lowkey Republican from Oregon, made his way to the Senate floor to ...
So all you're trying to do here is scare the bejee- bers out of us.” “Why not? That's your prerogative, isn't it?” “To have the bejeebers scared out of us? I suppose. Well, let us know when it's time to start building arks in the ...
Gentle Reader, It’s not that I approve of blackmail, but sometimes survival takes precedence over virtue.
In Geoengineering: The Gamble, climate economist Gernot Wagner provides a balanced take on the possible benefits and all-too-real risks, especially the so-called “moral hazard” that researching or even just discussing (solar) ...
I've had the good fortune to play in a number of private games in Beverly Hills with bigtime Hollywood celebrities such as Ben Affleck, Toby Maguire, James Woods, Leonardo DiCaprio, and others. These guys love to play poker, ...
When a mysterious alien woman from the planet Laertes convinces Dr. Bashir to gamble for her at Quark's gaming tables, things seem innocent enough.