This remarkable book gives the reader insight into the morning prayers, aiding in greater concentration and a better appreciation of G-d and His universe. With warmth and understanding, sensitivity and unfailing humor, the author teaches us to open our hearts as we open our lips in prayer.
A collection of quotes from well-known sources and personalities, showing the wise and humorous sides of Jewish life
Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl Almost 150 Jews—both famous and not—from all walks of life, from all around the world, write about many aspects of their Judaism. Edited byJudea and Ruth Pearl 6 x 9,304 pp ...
For laypeople and clergy of any denomination.
WELL - TO - DO FINANCIER Otto H. Kahn was being driven through New York one day when he passed a storefront sign reading : “ Abram Cahn . Cousin of Otto H. Kahn . ” The banker was furious at the misrepresentation and had his lawyer call ...
The Jewish Agenda: An Old-new Look at the Big Picture
Yet these are ordinary women like us who are making an impact on the world. Their lives serve as an inspiration to us all; we just have to seize that moment and go for it, like these amazing women did"--
Until my recent change of address , I had never moved and loved every square inch of my old house . I have since learned that moving is necessary . One ought to leave the nest at some stage , marry , have children , and continue the ...
The amount of shoulder slaps Menachem was subjected to could have demolished a wall , but it looked like Menachem was getting stronger and stronger with each one . ... Why can't she smooth over the Subject to Change ◅ 47.
A Clever Title Goes Here
Everyone's Entitled to My Opinion: The Wisdom and Wit of Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky