Two decades ago astronomers confirmed the existence of planets orbiting stars other than our Sun. Today more than 800 such worlds have been identified, and scientists now estimate that at least 160 billion star-bound planets are to be found in the Milky Way Galaxy alone. But more surprising is just how diverse and bizarre those worlds are.
Levison , H. F. , and M. J. Duncan . 1994. The long - term dynamical behavior of short period comets . Icarus 108 ( 1 ) : 18-36 . Levison , H. E , and M. J. Duncan . 2013. SWIFT : A solar system integration software package .
... Schrijver , H. , Bernacca , P. L. , Evans , D. W. , Falin , J. L. , Froeschlé , M. , Grenon , M. , Hering , R. , Høg , E. , Kovalevsky , J. , Mignard ... Phillips , J. A. , Thorsett , S. E. , and Kulkarni , S. R. ( editors ) , 1993.
An unprecedented number of planets outside of the solar system have been found, with an explosion in the number of discoveries in recent years.