Pamphlet Architecture, begun in 1978 by William Stout and Steven Holl, has become a popular venue for publishing the works and thoughts of a younger generation of architects. Small in scale, low in price, but large in impact, these books present and disseminate new and innovative theories.
Ray reveals these quixotic spaces through constructed drawings, collaged photographs, and insightful text.
Douglas Johnson: Southwest Traditions and Modern Icons
This is the first volume to showcase the Crawford House; it is emblematic of the dynamic interplay between art, architecture, and representation that characterizes Morphosis' work. -- from back cover.
Looks at the development of an active relationship between the public and ruins as to how they can be preserved and used.
This book examines the role and utilization of workplace 'space': how it is organized; how it can reflect organisational values; how it can affect employee identities; and the many ways in which the physical environment can influence and ...
The seventh edition of Simplified Design of Steel Structures is an excellent reference for architects and engineers who need information about the common uses of steel for the structures of buildings.
... previous experience in park design was gained through working under John Nash on the Regent's Park ( 1811 - c . 1828 ) . ... the La Follette legislation regulating grazing , preservation of the Appalachian watersheds , the Palisades ...
... we owe thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Anderson ; Ed Cauduro ; Douglas S. Cramer and the Douglas S. Cramer ... and Kate Keller , the Museum's Chief Fine Arts Photographer For the organization of the exhibition itself ( as well as ...
The bond Colorado. of the concrete to the thin brick is dependent on a mechanical key provided by dovetailed slots in the thin brick as well as the balance between the initial rate of absorption of the brick and the cement-to-water ...