This book was originally published in Italian in 1935 as Le Popolazioni Indigene Dell'Eritrea. first part of this book presents an overview of the history of Eritrea from its earliest, legendary origins to the spread of Islam. Pollera's purpose is to acquaint the reader with the many different cultural influences that shaped the development of the populations living in this vast territory. The various waves of immigrants to this region, their domination of the aboriginal people living in the area, and subsequent waves of migrating pastoral peoples from the north and from other areas contributed to create a unique ethnic and cultural matrix from whence the peoples of Eritrea sprang, intermingling over the span of many centuries, while successively receiving influences from the civilizations of Egypt, Meroe, Axum and Gondar. Pollera devotes several chapters to the origins of the great indigenous peoples of present-day Eritrea: the Afar the Agau, the Bilen (Bogos), the Beja, the Balau, the Kunama, the Nara, the Rashida, the Saho, the Tigre, Tigrinya, and discusses the spread of Christianity and later of Islam and their impact on the evolution of these peoples, particularly tracing the origins of the Tigre and Tigrinya languages.
One Gunner's War
The Last Cavalry Charge: Eritrea, 1941
During the Eritrean struggle for independence from Ethiopia, four Westerners travel under Eritrean rebel escort through a land of savage beauty and bitter drought towards the ancient capital of Asmara.
... Habab Defection , 231 Commerce , see under Trade Conference of Berlin , see under Berlin Conference Congo , Belgian , Gordon , Charles , 168 Constantinople , Sultan of , Prestige of , 3 Portuguese , confrontation with , support of ...
This work traces the Eritrean response to,Ethiopian occupation of their land and the origins,of the war.
"Charles Cantalupo has written a book that crosses all the genres: Where War Was: Poems and Translations from Eritrea is part translation, part reflection, part epic, illustrated with starkly beautiful photographic images by Lawrence Sykes.
Ethiopia converted to Christianity centuries before Europe did. And it is mentioned in the Bible many times. The book also covers Eritrea - its people, history and culture - but not in as much detail as it does Ethiopia.
Eritrea: Aufbruch in die Freiheit
Ethnic Conflict in the Horn of Africa