This book provides teachers with easy-to-implement strategies to help students to draw personal meaning from the subject matter and strengthen recall and understanding. Each lesson focuses on a unique type of 'e-moment' -- engaging moments -- that connect students through their modalities and multiple intelligences to the material and maximise the learning moment. Teachers of all content areas will learn how to better engage their students and increase their understanding of lessons by adapting the strategies according to their specific needs.
Making a Difference: Developing Meaningful Careers in Education
The purpose of this study is to answer the question: How do pilot users of the Danielson Evaluation System perceive this model in two mid-south high schools?
Written to accompany the third edition of Todd Whitaker's bestselling title, What Great Teachers Do Differently, this study guide can be used by facilitators and participants in workshops, webinars, book study groups, or other professional ...
"With wit and understanding, Todd Whitaker describes the beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and interactions of great teachers and explains what they do differently."--Publisher.
What Great Teachers Do Differently, Seventeen Things that Matter Most, 2nd Edition: Study guide
50 Ways to Improve Student Behaviour: Simple Solutions to Complex Challenges
L'ouvrage propose des solutions pratiques aux défis quotidiens de gestion de classe rencontrés par tous les enseignantes et les enseignants.
4ème de couv.:"Améliorer le comportement des élèves est un outil incontournable pour tous les enseignants du primaire et du secondaire, qu'ils soient novices ou expérimentés.
Karpicke, J. D., Blunt, J. R., Smith, M. A. and Karpicke, S. S. (2014) 'Retrieval-based learning: The need for guided retrieval in elementary ... Muijs, D. and Bokhove, C. (2020) Metacognition and Self-Regulation: Evidence Review.
... Taylor , A Survey of Mentor Relationships in Academe , Journal of Professional Nursing 8 , no . ... R. Klaus , Formalized Mentor Relationships for Management and Executive Development Programs in the Federal Government , Public ...