Tom Thumb is accidently baked inside a cake by his mother due to his small stature. When she throws the cake outside, Tom's adventures begin. He is held captive by two greedy peddlers, escapes and falls in the river, to be eventually fished out by the kings fisherman and set before the king. Finally after becoming a court favorite he is returned to his parents.
After a cyclone transports her to the land of Oz, Dorothy must seek out the great wizard in order to return to Kansas.
安徒生の三十三個夜: 沒有畫的畫冊
英汉对照. -- 著者: 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(1805-1875), 丹麦童话作家.
本书为双向倒转印刷,另一题名页题名:一个豆荚里的五粒豆 / 张红婴绘画
本书把安徒生作品以一种全新的方式进行传播, 从而将安徒生童话中意境深远的人文精神传递给新的一代.