Burden of Nationality: Memoirs of an African Aidworker/journalist, 1970s-1990s
Fund Raiser's Guide to Religious Philanthropy, 1998
Aspects of Poor Relief in Colonial Virginia
Best Things in the Worst Times: An Insider's View of World Vision
... DDR mit der von ihr wahrgenommenen Betreuung und Förderung geistig behinderter Menschen eines ihrer größten Ar ... behinderte Menschen stark einschränkte und nicht einmal eine Förderpflicht für alle Behinderten anerkannte ...
Fund Raiser's Guide to Religious Philanthropy
Fundraiser's Guide to Religious Philanthropy, 1992
Fund Raiser's Guide to Religious Philanthropy
Grantmakers featured in this edition make annual contributions of at least $50,000 and include 78 new profiles of grantmakers that support religious nonprofits, for a total of 1,020 entries. Eight indexes facilitate research.
Fund Raiser's Guide to Religious Philanthropy, 1995