Collection of reminiscences on Latter-day Saint life written by Helen Mar Whitney for the Woman's Exponent between 1880 and 1887. Contains accounts of major events in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and provides a panoramic picture of nineteenth-century Mormon life. Accounts include excerpts from other people's discourses, letters, diaries, etc.
Presents the narratives by women who were captured by Indians--from 17th-century New England to late 19th-century Colorado. In her introduction, the editor defines the genre and presents the rationale for...
Surveys the major periods of American history in terms of the lives, experiences, thoughts, and achievements of American women.
John Dean's wife offers her observations on and reactions to the Watergate affair, her husband's part in it, and Nixon's downfall, together with an account of her life and loves.
A New View of a Woman's Body: A Fully Illustrated Guide
8 The Two Faces of Larry Porter Larry Porter * and I went way back - to medical school , in fact . I was a few years older than my classmates , and Larry seemed more mature than the rest of the crowd . Although he was several years my ...
Now, with Qu'ran and Woman, Amina Wadud provides a first interpretive reading by a woman, a reading which validates the female voice in the Qu'ran and brings it out of the shadows.
In a remarkable series of books Christine Downing has given us "perfected" as well as ambivalent images of the great goddesses of classical antiquity. In her latest book she turns...
Illustrated guide, made by the Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers.
... perspective. The Ford GT40 I think its better then its younger brother I guess because when Ford were building the GT40 they were thinking while with the Ford GT they were just ... a four-speed manual gearbox. The GT40 has a top speed of.
The first pro-faith attempt by a Muslim woman to present a comprehensive, female-inclusive reading of the "Qu'ran", the sacred Islamic text.