The response to Nancy Pearl’s surprise bestseller Book Lust was astounding: the Seattle librarian even became the model for the now-famous Librarian Action Figure. Readers everywhere welcomed Pearl’s encyclopedic but discerning filter on books worth reading, and her Rule of 50 (give a book 50 pages before deciding whether to continue; but readers over 50 must read the same number of pages as their age) became a standard MO.
Although The Quincunx by Charles Palhser is ostensibly the story of a K young man's search for his true identity, the main character is early 1800s 3 London itself — its smells, its sights, and above all its people.
Many readers have wished for a way to record their thoughts after finishing a book, or to remember their impressions of their book club meeting. Nancy Pearl's Book Lust Journal is the perfect place to do these things and more.
Two enjoyable characterdriven novels about trips down the Colorado River are In theHeartof the Canyon by ElisabethHyde andAmbition byLisa Michaels. Hyde's novel tellsofa groupofstrangers whocome togetherfora multiday raft trip that ...
Presents lists of recommended book titles for children and teenagers divided into three age groups and then further subdivided into more than 118 categories, including animals, folktales, girl power, autobiographies, comic books, and many ...
Covers 600 noteworthy works that have endured the test of time and continue to hold the interest of general readers and literary specialists year after year.
In this ebullient book, America’s favorite librarian Nancy Pearl and noted-playwright Jeff Schwager interview a diverse range of America's most notable and influential writers about the books that shaped them and inspired them to leave ...
In Music Lust, Harcourt does what Nancy Pearl did for books in her national bestseller Book Lust.
For a substantive examination of these social and political conditions, see Paul Boyer, Urban Masses and Moral Order in America (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978), 121. Greenhill, Playing It Straight, 103–107.
... and Sally A. Steffen. Kiss and Tell: Surveying Sex in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999. Goodwin, Jan. Price of Honor. New York: Plume, 1994. Haavio-Mannila, Elina, Osmo Kontula, and Anna Rotkirch.
Funny, sweet, alarming, and ultimately, moving and tender, Lust & Wonder is an experience of a book that will resonate with anyone who has loved and lost and loved again.