Orcapedia: A Guide to the Victims of the International Orca Slave Trade

Orcapedia: A Guide to the Victims of the International Orca Slave Trade
GroundSwell Books
Paul Watson, Tiffany Humphrey, CAPTAIN PAUL. HUMPHREY WATSON


Orcapedia presents a sobering look at the current imprisonment of a highly intelligent, socially complex, non-threatening species "orcas" by an industry strictly for profit. Many remember the movement to release Keiko, the orca who appeared in the family drama Free Willy, into the wild. Today, there are still dozens of orcas still in captivity. Readers are introduced to more than 60 individual orcas by name along with colored photos, personal history, and notable incidents that have occurred during their captivity. The text makes it clear that they are imprisoned "inmates" and instills a full understanding of the injustices being perpetrated. Five pages of named headstones graphically illustrates the problems they face. Resources and recommendations on alternative interactions with orcas are provided. All proceeds from the sale of this title will go to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Author Captain Paul Watson is the founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and has worked on the front line for decades trying to protect the ocean's wildlife. And coauthor Tiffany Humphrey is a marine wildlife expert who is also part of Sea Shepherd team.

Other editions

  • Orcapedia
    • 2020-08-19
    • 120 pages
    • Ebook
    • GroundSwell Books

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