"This eyewitness account of the Second Vatican Council, first serialized in The New Yorker, remains the classic work on this historic event. Writing under the pseudonym Xavier Rynne, Redemptorist priest Francis X. Murphy captured the attention of the English-speaking world with his first-ever insider look at a church council in progress. Murphy's full account was subsequently published in four volumes, covering the whole drama of the Second Vatican Council from its first session in 1962 to its conclusion in 1965."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
The Theology of IV AD St Gregory Illuminator (Armenian Edition)
信徒對教會既熟悉又陌生。熟悉,因教會有現實的層面,信徒在此敬拜、服侍;但聖經顛覆了一般人對教會的理解,卻是信徒感到陌生的。教會論並非抽象的神學理論,而是與信仰和生活息息相關,因為越認識教會的身份和使命,就越能夠體現基督十字架的福音。本書闡明顛覆現實的教會論,及其對信徒的意義,而且探討「婦女按牧」這個富爭議的課題,為教會的平等兩性關係,提供堅實的聖經神學基礎。* 本書屬於「聖研導讀叢書」。出版這套叢書,為要向讀者簡介當代聖經研究的課題 (主要是新約聖經),成為「聖經研究」的「導讀」。
The New Chosen People: A Corporate View of Election
The Papacy and the Church in the United States
Associationalism Among Baptists in America, 1707-1814
"The author's style is clear and arresting. Ancient situations are made more understandable to the general reader by apt comparisions with American history and religious life. The practical applications are...
These essays represent key issues in feminist theology and the feminist religious movement--milestones in the attempts of Christian feminists to reclain the r spiritual authority, define biblical religion and the...
This book offers a comprehensive panorama of modern Roman Catholic ecclesiology as it springs from the vision proclaimed by the Second Vatican Council in Lumen Gentium. The author's central thesis...
Since its retrieval by the Second Vatican Council, the idea of Christian families as domestic churches has slowly but steadily gained favor among Catholics. Striking a careful balance between academic...
Renewal and the Powers of Darkness