Your teacher training may have provided sound theory and a collection of instructional techniques, but it's often the practical details that can make day-to-day survival difficult in your first days, weeks, and years of teaching. For new teachers or those just new to the middle-school environment, here is an invaluable resource from the author of Meet Me in the Middle that will help you walk in the door prepared to teach. Oriented toward the unique experience of teaching grades 5 through 9, Day One and Beyond delivers proven best practices along with often-humorous observations that provide a window into the middle school environment. Based on his many years of research and experience in the middle school classroom, Rick offers frontline advice on: practical survival matters, such as what to do the first day and week, setting up the grade book and other record keeping, and what to do if you only have one computer in the classroom; classroom management, including discipline, getting students' attention, and roving classrooms; social issues, like the unique nature of middle-level students, relating to students, and positive relations with parents; professional concerns, from collegiality with teammates to professional resources all middle-level teachers should have. Content and instruction are important, but so are the practical matters that enable sound teaching practice. Day One and Beyond shows middle-level teachers how to manage the physical and emotional aspects of their unique environment so they can do what they've been trained to do: successfully teach young adolescents.
Sample Reading Responses Before and After Reteaching A. Todd's November Reading Response to Frindle Nick Granger is a very talented in the trickery category nothing else.This year he is in fifth grade. Nick knows almost every trick in ...
This book offers practical guidance on such topics as roles and responsibilities, school environment and culture, classroom organization and management, collaboration with other professionals, and individual professional development.
Uses a practical, user-friendly approach enabling students to learn the basics of teaching.
EDL2200 Managing Learning Environments: Compiled from Handbook for Beginning Teachers, 2nd Edition
Throughout the text, students are given the chance to reflect on the major issues facing teachers and students through the use of case studies, classroom examples and references providing opportunities to research topics further.
Don't Smile Until Christmas: Accounts of the First Year of Teaching
The authors present a synthesis of current educational research & extend its application to in-service settings.
The approach in this 6th edition is more reflective and gives readers an even greater opportunity to interact with issues raised in the text.
Coming to Know in the Professional Knowledge Context [microform]: Beginning Teachers' Experiences
As experienced baby-boomer teachers retire, they are likely to be replaced by young and inexperienced teachers, whose attrition rates are higher than those of mid-career teachers (Archer 1999; Grissmer and Kirby 1997).1 Many researchers ...