Describes the philosophy of the Daily 5 teaching structure, includes a collection of literacy tasks for students to complete daily, and shares the Daily 3 for math.
The Daily 5: Fostering Literacy in the Elementary Grades
We called these researchers our colleagues. They didn't know it, but Frank Smith, Michael Pressley, Richard Allington, Gerald Duffy, P. David Pearson, Ann McGill-Franzen, Margaret Mooney, and Regie Routman, to name a few, ...
Rather, effective reading instruction is based on what that student needs in that moment. With the release of The CAFE Book in 2009, the CAFE system has been implemented in classrooms all over the world.
This book shares practical and effective techniques for accommodating reading and writing instruction to design learning that simultaneously increases literacy and language development.
Cunningham, P. M., & Allington, R. L. (2007). Classrooms that work: They can all read and write (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Cunningham, P. M., & Hall, D. P. (2001). Making words second grade: 100 hands-on lessons for phonemic ...
Powerful and practical, this book will support you as you change your classroom for the better while helping you to understand how to overcome current classroom cultures where some children learn and many learn to hate reading.” ...
Tips and techniques for teachers to use for teaching in small group situations.
In Reading in the Wild, reading expert Donalyn Miller continues the conversation that began in her bestselling book, The Book Whisperer.
Philip Van Cleave, President, Virginia Citizens Defense League: [The Australian gun ban] stopped one thing! That could also be a statistical anomaly. John Oliver: Yeah—it was just their mass shootings disappeared. Philip Van Cleave: But ...
Donald Miller learned how to rise to the top using the principles he shares in this book. He wrote Business Made Simple to teach others what it takes to grow your career and create a company that is healthy and profitable.