Examines the image of the US in German poetry and the reception and influence of American poetry in Germany since 1945.
... Protest Movements ; Hakemi , Anschlag und Spektakel ; Martin Klimke , “ “ We are not going to defend ourselves ... Inszenierungen : Visuelle Kommunikation und kollektive Identitäten in Protestbewegungen ( Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien ...
Hurwitz , Harold . Die Stunde Null der deutschen Presse : Die amerikanische Pressepolitik in Deutschland 1945–1949 . Cologne : Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik , 1972 . Huyssen , Andreas . After the Great Divide : Modernism ...
1. Aufl. ed, Schriften der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte. Neue Folge Bd. 1. Essen: Klartext, 1993. Hirschfeld, Gerhard. Kriegserfahrungen: Studien zur Sozial- und Mentalitätsgeschichte des Ersten Weltkriegs. 1.
Deutschland und die USA im 20. Jahrhundert: Geschichte derpolitischen Beziehungen. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. Leggewie, Claus. 2000. Amerikas Welt: Die USA in unseren Köpfen. Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe.
Renate Rechtien, Karoline Von Oppen. Ruth J. Owen Bodies in Contemporary German Poetry Work by three poets who have articulated corporeal poetologies – Anne Duden, Durs Grünbein and Ulla Hahn – is at the core of the primary material ...
... revolting bodies find little echo in pertinent contemporary imagery, which is much more anatomically focussed, tracing procedures within the body, with a camera's eye devoid of revulsion. Other ... Bodies in Contemporary German Poetry.
... German letters. This project would have been impossible without — indeed, was ... America. Moreover, the proximity of Britain to Germany also meant that he ... The Image and Influence ofAmerica in German Poetry since 1945 (Rochester, NY ...
25 Meyers is also careful to insist that one should not interpret this female power within the household in terms of a modern distinction between private and public , which is not appropriate to ancient societies in which the household ...
Vols. for 1969- include ACTFL annual bibliography of books and articles on pedagogy in foreign languages 1969-