This is a comprehensive introduction to current philosophies, procedures, and practices related to the care and prevention of athletic injuries. It is written and edited by Board of Certification (BOC) certified athletic trainers as a comprehensive introduction to current philosophies, procedures, and practices related to the care and prevention of athletic injuries. This new edition provides comprehensive beginner and intermediate-level instruction on the principles of sports medicine and athletic training. The athletic training student will learn the basics of athletic training and have a working knowledge of common preventive, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation techniques in sports medicine.
McLeod, T., R. Bay, J. Parsons, E. Sauers, and A. Snyder. 2009. Recent injury and health-related ... Miller, M., D. Berry, G. Gariepy, and J. Tittler. 2006. ... Olsen, S.J., G.S. Fleisig, S. Dun, J. Loftice, and J.R. Andrews. 2006.
The purpose of this book is to introduce Block Periodization of sport training as a general concept and as the basis for a revamped training system.
"This text integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to provide a strong foundation of general athletic training practices.
The articles in this collection are addressed to athletic coaches or ancillary health personnel practitioners who treat athletes' injuries. Emphasis is upon proper immediate care, recognition and referral of serious...
“Best of the Literature: Neuromuscular Training Helps Prevent ACL Injuries.” Physician and Sportsmedicine 31(12): 8-9. Marchessault, J., M. Conti, and M. Baratz. 2009. “Carpal Fractures in Athletes Excluding the Scaphoid.” Hand Clinics ...
This book is geared to the high school level so students can learn about the basics of athletic training while serving as student assistants.
With heart rate 'control' athletes can work in designated HR training zones, knowing that their training is developing a specific aspect of aerobic (and potentially anaerobic) fitness. Recovery, likewise, can be monitored within ...
J Athl Train. 2001;36(3):236–243. 21. Aubry M, Cantu R, Dvorak J, et al. Summary and agreement statement of the First ... Hebert O, Schlueter K, Hornsby M, Van Gorder S, Snodgrass S, Cook C. The diagnostic credibility of second impact ...
B. For this joint the tibia is the concave bone and the femur is the convex bone. C. During open-chain knee ... on the following scenario: During the spring season, you are counseling your football players regarding nutrition. 148. 149.
Menzies P, Menzies C, McIntyre L, Paterson P, Wilson J, Kemi OJ. Blood lactate clearance during active recovery after an intense running bout depends on the intensity of the active recovery. J Sports Sci. 2010;28(9):975-982. doi ...