Three health psychologists offer advice on lifestyle modification in the treatment and prevention of coronary heart disease
Open Heart Therapy
Whether you’ve never heard of CST before, thought it didn’t apply to you, or are currently undergoing treatments, this book has something for you.
This book provides a comprehensive practical guide to the plethora of devices that have been developed to support the failing heart.
When we were foster parents, we remember persons who felt no hesitation in making remarks or giving us advice about our African American foster daughter. Because we are Caucasian, we always stood out whenever we went out as a family ...
This book is both serious and fun. What a delightful combination of information and writing. My sense is that Heart Assisted Therapy is a seminal book, and it has the potential to become a classic.
This book blends concepts from neurobiology, hypnosis, family systems theory and cognitive therapy to enhance treating this population. It is a well written book that the novice as well as the seasoned clinician can benefit from.
This is a book about the emergence of a new creative therapy modality in the British Isles.
Grounded in a deep understanding of what makes intimate relationships succeed, this book provides concrete guidelines for addressing the complexities of real-world clinical practice with couples.
This book is written for all who have suffered heartbreak.
The person who had the affair gives a superficial explanation about what happened and why, and it doesn't make sense ... is usually slow, and the therapist needs to help the couple have realistic expectations about how long it will take ...