Offers parents acceptance and commitment therapy skills to help them develop flexibility and mindfulness when parenting their children, and includes exercises covering such topics as handling tantrums and refocusing values.
By focusing on parenthood, rather than parenting, the book is original and essential reading for mothers and fathers of today—and tomorrow.
Find smart advice on: Parenting Golden Rules Family Time Rules and Respect Perspective and Judgment Gratitude and Attitude Food and Dining Forbidden Phrases Life Skills Family Management “The most beautiful thing about the advice in this ...
Joy of Parenthood
Consider, for example, a review of new parenting magazines written by David Kamp in the June 2000 issue of GQ magazine. In a three-page outpouring of spleen, Kamp attacks contemporary parents for being concerned about parenting.
In this upbeat book Robbie Castleman shows parents how to guide their toddlers and teenagers to participate more fully in the worship of the church.
This is more than just another parenting book-this is a book of hope, as well as a practical guide for success in some of the most difficult parenting areas.For over three decades, Dr. Gil Stieglitz has worked with countless parents and ...
Pride and Joy is a different kind of parenting book.
Written by a mother whose son has fragile X syndrome and autism this book is about her reaction and coping strategies in relating to her son.
Bazzano, A., Wolfe, C., Zylowska, L., Wang, S., Shuster, E., Barrett, C., & Lehrer, D. (2013). Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for parents and caregivers of individuals with developmental disabilities: A community-based ...
In Parenting beyond the Rules, you will discover how to raise a teen according to his or her strengths, talents, and personality type, as these things equip teens to manage life.