Argues that although this city's potential in resources both material and human have been wasted throughout its colorful history, the city has charted positive changes in recent times, such as the downtown residential movements, urban renewal initiatives, political progressivism, and improving race relations. Simultaneous.
Standard History of Knoxville, Tennessee: With Full Outline of the Natural Advantages, Early Settlement, Territorial Government, Indian Troubles, and General...
The book will serve as a permanent record of the Tennessee's important place in Knoxville history, and it will educate future generations interested in historic preservation, arts and entertainment, and local civic pride.
For many years, at one small popcorn stand on Gay Street stood Gary Crowder-the meticulous owner of the amazing collection of photographs predominantly featured in Images of America: Knoxville.
Get Ready For The Adventure Of A Lifetime!
Gay Street. In these fourteen stories, a Northern writer documents, teases and exalts the lives walking or pausing on this Southern, and very real, avenue in Knoxville, Tennessee.