"In this inspiring book, Robert H. Hopcke, a Jungian psychotherapist, explores the role of synchronicity in our love life and our work life, in our waking life and our dream life, in our everyday life and our dream life, in our everyday life and our spiritual life. Through interviews with people whose lives have been changed by some unexpected chance encounter, he presents us with a rich array of true synchronistic stories: a woman is set up on a blind date with the same man, years apart, on two different coasts; a singer's career changes direction when she walks into the wrong audition; just when he is feeling particularly alone, a man runs into a college friend at a remote outpost on an island in the South Pacific. Not only does Hopcke present these stories to us, he shows us how, by looking at our lives as coherent narratives, with synchronistic experiences the turning points in the plot, we can use the synchronicities we experience to lead our lives more meaningfully."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
The kind who know every ugly, slimy trick in the book. ... peas or The two of them sat at a park bench outside an ice cream shop—Sundae School, har har—eating a couple cones. Rocky road for Dad, and for Oliver, rainbow sherbet.
A design masterpiece, this book combines exquisite prose with stylish presentation - the cars are described more lovingly than the people who perished in them. Like a Bugatti, Death Drive recalls a time when books and cars were beautiful.
In this eye-opening book, Dr. Steve Hodges explains why millions of potty-trained kids are clogged with poop and holding pee, problems related to the Western lifestyle, pressure to toilet train too early, inadequate potty-training follow-up ...
THE HYATT TEA DANCE DISASTER: FAULTY DESIGN, PURE AND SIMPLE So far, the examples we have examined in this chapter have illustrated the effects of faulty designs combined with human error at the time of a disaster.
An ensemble story marked by Yael Hedaya's exquisite sensitivity, Accidents follows its cast through fragility, vulnerability, and joy, accruing the small events of unremarkable days to produce a grand vision of the shared life.
What goals do you have for your life? What steps have you taken toward them today? Consider this book your guide to getting back on track to your dreams and help inspire those around you.
There Are No Accidents in Love and Relationships: Meaningful Coincidences and the Stories of Our Families
Matthew L. Wald, New York Times, 21 September 1981. Ibid. . John B. Emshwiller, Wall Street ... Olson McKinley, Unacceptable Risk: The Nuclear Power Controversy (New York: Bantam Books, 1976): 22. 18. Union of Concerned Scientists, ...
An emotional page-turner with amazing characters from the Top Ten bestselling author of My Sister's Bones, this thriller is perfect for fans of Clare Mackintosh's I Let You Go and Lisa Jewell's Watching You. ______________________________ ...
Exiled from time after a failed love affair, Waldemar "Waldy" Tolliver is forced to confront a difficult betrayal and his ancestral legacy against a backdrop of historical events in the first half of the twentieth century.