The life of a New York City police officer, with the NYPD running through his veins: a highly anticipated nonfiction epic-destined to be a classic. The excitement began from the moment of its acquisition in the fall of 1998, when major news organizations, including The New York Times, reported the sale of a book by the NYPD officer who wrote the "Cop's Diary" in The New Yorker, under the pseudonym Marcus Laffey. Now delivered, Blue Bloodis a bona fide literary masterpiece, an important book about what it means to protect, to serve, and to defend among the ranks of New York's finest. Conlon's canvas is great and complicated-he is the product of generations involved in law enforcement, good cops and bad-and the story he tells is impossibly rich: it presents an anecdotal history of New York through its police force, and paints a vivid portrait of the teeming street life of the city in all its horror and splendor. It is a story about fathers and sons, partners who become brothers, old ghosts and undying legacies. Here you will see terms like loyalty, commitment, and honor come alive, in action, on a daily basis. With brio and a thrilling literary style, Conlon depicts his life on the force-from his first days walking a beat in the South Bronx to his ascent to detective. The pace is relentless, the stories hypnotic, the scope nothing less than grand. Edward Conlon is a son of the Bronx, who still lives and works there. His father was a police officer who left the NYPD to join the FBI. His uncle was a lifelong officer of the NYPD. His great grandfather was a crooked cop-a dandy who "carried the bag on Atlantic Avenue"-during the Tammany Hall era. Blue Blood brings together a gifted writer with a subject he owns: Conlon captures the exquisite detail, the hilarious exchange of dialogue, the tragic and the marvelous, experienced firsthand, day after day. He has the Irish gift of storytelling, an old-school delivery, a killer sense of irony, and a sentimental heart. Conlon's father envisioned bigger things for his son, the Harvard graduate; but to Conlon, there is no greater job in the world. He answered the call. In the end, you know why he's a cop, why anyone becomes a cop. Without question, Blue Bloodwill be one of the most talked about and celebrated books of the year.
Told by a fourth generation NYPD, this is an anecdotal history of New York as experienced through its police force, and depicts a portrait of the teeming street life of the city in all its horror and splendor.
An account of the life of Standard Oil heiress Rebekah Harkness, known for both her philanthropy and eccentricity, traces her involvement with alcohol and drugs
Schuyler wants to find out the secrets of the mysterious Blue Bloods. But is she putting herself in danger? Melissa de la Cruz's vampire mythology, set against the glitzy backdrop of New York City, is a juicy and intoxicating read.
The Challenge of Being Upper Class in America In American Blue Blood, William C. Codington brings us the Lightfoot family of Virginia and Philadelphia that for generations has been profoundly aware and proud of its aristocratic heritage.
For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. Designed by Susan Walsh ISBN 978-1-250-07285-6 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-4668-8480-9 (e-book) Our books may be purchased in bulk for ...
Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict and Creation : A Personal Story
Here is the season's must-read book for anyone who wants to understand the future of American business.
Hearty and soulful, The Blue Bloods Cookbook will make you say, "Amen, now pass the potatoes!"
A Blue Bloods Novel Melissa de la Cruz. Revelations a Blue Bloods novel MELISSA DE LA CRUZ HYPERION NEW YORK Copyright © 2008 by Melissa de la Cruz All rights.
Taylor, an athletic 6'5" and the school's next black star, was the last blue-chipper Foster signed before rumors of his departure killed his recruiting. After Banks and Dennard graduated, the quiet and wellspoken Taylor was left leading ...