For nearly two decades, the Oryx Press GRANTS Database has provided the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding funding for research and performance-related programs. The Directory of Grants in the Humanities is a specialized directory created from the database, focusing on funding programs in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The only directory of its kind to include all 50 states' and several Canadian provinces' arts/humanities councils' programs, this comprehensive 11th edition contains updates on over 3,400 current funding programs and features 200 new grant programs. Also debuting are descriptions of recently awarded grants; a list of World Wide Web sites for sponsoring organizations; and an enhanced subject index with cross-references to aid searching by subject area. The vast scope of programs listed in the Directory of Grants in the Humanities 1997/98 fund cultural outreach programs, research, travel, internships, fellowships, dissertation support, performances, exhibitions, publishing awards, and performance prizes. Funding programs are provided for such humanities disciplines as literature, language, history, anthropology, architecture, philosophy, and psychology. Fine and performing arts programs include painting, dance, photography, sculpture, and music.
Laws and Orders: Guide and writer's handbook
Laws and Orders: Humanities core course reader
Laws and Orders: Humanities core course guide
Pearson Humanities and Social Sciences WA 8 Student Book
Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study: Book 2, Humanities and Social Sciences
John Locke In his Second Treatise on Civil Government , John Locke ( 1632–1704 ) , like Hobbes , attempted to build a theory of social behaviour based on certain assumptions about human beings in the “ state of nature .
PLATO Plato was born in 427 , two years after the death of Pericles ; he was a youth at the time of the Athenian ... It is impossible to distinguish between Plato's and Socrates ' thought in the early writings of Plato , for most of ...
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A Guide to Computer Applications in the Humanities
The History Place: Presidential Impeachment Proceedings — Nixon middle school and up The 1972 Watergate break-in ultimately led to President Richard Nixon's resignation ...