... Honda T. Nakazawa H. Related Articles , Links Negative - pressure dressings in the treatment of pressure ulcers . J Dermatol . 2003 Apr ; 30 ( 4 ) : 299-305 . PMID : 12707466 [ PubMed - in process ) 4 : Lewis M. Pearson A. Ward C.
The first-ever step-by-step guide to the full continuum of care! Includes 30 pathways, each covering prehospital admission, acute care, and home care; multidisciplinary care interventions; medical, surgical, and psychosocial problems;...
The book systematically examines the causes of practice breakdowns resulting from practice styles, health care environments, teamwork, and structural systems to promote patient safety.
This experiential text, written in a conversational tone, helps readers through the challenging and overwhelming transition from a nursing practice role to a nursing faculty role.
Nursing shortage fact sheet (updated March 2015). Retrieved from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/media-relations/fact-sheets/nursing-faculty-shortage Billings, D. (2016). “Flipping” the classroom: Promoting active learning and the transfer of ...
The 2nd Edition of this essential text builds on the clarity and user-friendliness of the first edition while emphasizing developing shared care involving the patient.
Pathway to Becoming a Nursing Assistant
The book systematically examines the causes of practice breakdowns resulting from practice styles, health care environments, teamwork, and structural systems to promote patient safety.
Get your nursing degree in record time with the tips you'll discover in this book. You won't be disappointed in the information you'll get from this book on how to become the kind of nurse you want to be.
Previously, Dr. Brennan served as executive vice president and chief medical officer of Aetna, Inc., from 2006 through 2008. From 2000 through 2006, he was president and chief executive officer of Brigham and Women's Physicians ...
This volume, developed by the Observatory together with OECD, provides an overall conceptual framework for understanding and applying strategies aimed at improving quality of care.