Possibly the best authoritative work on the world's mysteries. From fire walking to the prophesies of Nostradamus, this new book pares the fiction from many popular theories, and urges us to educate ourselves through critical inquiry.
Jeane Dixon claims she predicted the assassination of President Kennedy, and to millions this prediction gives her the credibility to be a top psychic. Yet the media and Dixon's devoted followers dare not question, or even recognize, the many failed predictions she has offered over the years. Nostradamus is so well-known today that many people actually fear the date he predicted for World War III. Yet when his "prophecies" do not come true, the fiction-hungry media and public turn a blind eye.
Bizarre Beliefs spans the globe in search of rational and factual explanations for UFO claims, alien abductions, the Bermuda Triangle, crop circles, evidence of a living Elvis Presley, fortune tellers, Nostradamus's writings, spiritualism, astrology, graphology, fire walking, biorhythms, hypnosis, divining, ghosts, the curse of Tutankhamun, the Loch Ness monster, and "shocking" coincidences.
This fascinating book of investigative enquiry questions our ability to believe the outrageously unbelievable, and discloses the gullibility of the human mind, which discounts reason for the romance of the absurd. An amusing, informative, and outstandingly well-written account of the world of weird.
Edmunds, R. David. The Shawnee Prophet. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1983. Edward, Paul, ed. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. New York: Macmillan, 1967. Edwards, Frank. Stranger Than Science. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1959.
《列仙传》是中国最早且较有系统的叙述古代汉族神仙事迹的著作,记载了从赤松子(神农时雨师)至玄俗(西汉成帝时仙人)七十一位仙家的姓名、身世和事迹,时代跨度较大。传记体 ...
在東西方神祇與英雄的故事裡, 找回你的內在與神話的連結, 成為一顆跳舞的星星,與宇宙共舞。 導讀:耿一偉(台北藝術大學戲劇系兼任助理教授) 王理書 ...
The Encyclopedic Handbook of Cults in America
* Is it possible that you are living in other universes simultaneously with this one? * Do you travel back and forth between other dimensions without your conscious knowledge? * Could it be possible that you are only a splinter or fragment ...
This is the fifth book in the revolutionary Convoluted Universe series that begun in 2001.
「疾病很討厭,但很多時候是身不由己。既然躲不開,不如正面迎擊!」 潘忠韋,這個名字就算不懂棒球應該也不陌生,球場上的帥氣劈腿接球、霸氣的打擊揮棒、假球案裡的清流,都是發生在他還是棒球員時的故事,但離開球場後的他,經歷生涯高低起伏,面對生與死的拚搏,是他在《不能輸的比賽::重新站上生命打擊區的潘忠韋》這本書中要與球迷和讀者分享的生命故事。 看似生涯中的跌倒,他將對於生活的熱情全然投入其中。在被球隊毫無預警釋出後,潘忠韋到美國進修,儘管語言學習有所進步,但思鄉及沒有找到合適的工作後,他回到台灣,在家人的支持下,投入完全不相關的房仲產業。他將每個物件都當成守備佈陣周詳準備,每次交易都當成打擊全力揮棒短短,二十個月期間,拚出四十四間房的亮眼成交量。 在因緣際會與妻子的支持下,潘忠韋擔任球評重回球場,拿出過去準備比賽的認真與努力,做足功課、向前輩學習,逐漸成為大家信賴肯定的專業球評。但卻在看似人生順遂時,潘忠韋收到自己罹患「急性白血病」的消息。接續的化療、移植,移植失敗,再次移植,排斥與種種嚴重反應都接踵而至。不過就像球場上的他,跌倒並沒有使他放棄,他從跌倒中找方法,將力量拋得更遠更高。將艱辛的抗癌治療過程當做闖關打怪,在多次面臨生死關頭後,他再次回到球迷眼前。這次他比以往更加篤定,胸有成竹地迎向新生。 《不能輸的比賽:重新站上生命打擊區的潘忠韋》記錄了作者做為一位棒球員的艱辛成長過程,尤其在假球傳聞風聲鶴唳的年代,勇敢面對不公平、不透明的狀況。結束球員身份後,他小心翼翼走每一步,用百分之百的力氣向前衝,無論是轉換到教練、房屋仲介員,或是球評。書中訴說著一個謙卑和感恩的生命故事,在看似平順的球評生活中,他突然掉到「急性白血病」大洞裡,與家人一起在黑暗中照亮彼此,合力對抗難纏的疾病魔王,互相扶持往上爬,走過痛苦無比的治療煎熬,渡過驚心動魄的急性排斥期,然後努力地重新回到熱愛的工作的歷程。 讀者可以將潘忠韋的經歷當成人生勵志書來閱讀,但他更希望藉由分享他走過的路,對正在承受病痛折磨的朋友有那麼一點點幫助。他想和正在面對疾病或低潮的朋友和他們的家人說,眼前的難關就像一場棒球賽,戰況或許膠著、情勢或許看來不太妙,但在最後一個出局數出現之前,永遠都有無限可能,只要不放棄、只要願意相信,不管最後輸贏,至少可以問心無愧拍拍自己,「做得好」! 推薦序 田鴻魁╱Podcast跑步不要聽主持人 田豐銘╱臺大醫院內科部血液腫廇科主治醫師 林智勝╱中職球星 曾文誠╱資深球評
Charleston, SC is one of the most haunted cities in North America. Buxton and Macy tell chilling stories about the ghosts that inhabit Charleston's historical buildings. Timeless legends and recent...
Edgar Cayce Jr., born in 1877 in rural Kentucky and educated only through the eighth grade, was a man with special powers. Known as the "sleeping prophet", Cayce was an...