Extraterrestrials regularly abduct humans from Earth, often performing bizarre surgeries and experiments on their subjects, according to the popular and profitable "nonfiction" offered by major publishing houses. Books by John Fuller, Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, Whitley Strieber, and others have helped shape contemporary belief in alien beings.
Science fiction scholar Terry Matheson reveals that the alien abduction literary genre has been a part of our history for decades, but was never taken seriously until recent times. He explains that traditional aliens were friendly or merely curious quite different from today's ugly, fierce, sinister creatures. Abduction narratives and individual accounts have evolved and changed, and the new aliens seem to symbolize growing fears that our technology is out of control.
Actual accounts from abduction victims and evidence collected, Matheson stresses, are often greatly enhanced by the bestselling authors who market the stories, or are directly linked to well-known fantasy and sci-fi films released or broadcast prior to the alleged abductions. Alien Abductions also draws a parallel to the way societal myths are made, and that in these narratives we see a new myth in the making.
* Is it possible that you are living in other universes simultaneously with this one? * Do you travel back and forth between other dimensions without your conscious knowledge? * Could it be possible that you are only a splinter or fragment ...
This is the fifth book in the revolutionary Convoluted Universe series that begun in 2001.
The macabre mass suicide by adherents of the Heaven's Gate Cult in 1997 was shocking and difficult to comprehend for most outsiders. Their bizarre mindset, which mixed New Age religion...
A landmark expose firmly grounded in fact, The Day After Roswell puts a fifty-year-old controversy to rest. Since 1947, the mysterious crash of an unidentified aircraft at Roswell, New Mexico,...
A craft from outer space crash-landed near Roswell, New Mexico, on July 4, 1947. This fascinating new book contains never-before printed, first-hand accounts from credible witnesses, including respected members of...
In this definitive comprehensive A-Z compendium revealing all points of view of the alien experience, UFO historian Ronald Story gathers together more than 100 experts in the field of alien...
One might expect that a "scientific conference" devoted to people who have reported being kidnapped by "little green men" would be dismissed out of hand. But C. D. B. Bryan...
The subject of this breakthrough book is controversial, but its message is simple: the study of UFOs merits the serious attention of the intellectual establishment. Advocating credibility for this much-maligned...
Lines laid across the plain near the Peruvian site of Nazca have been explained as ancient roads or features of a long-forgotten religious calendar. So why did Erich von Daniken...
New research on the paranormal from the author of the pioneering work Heading Toward Omega, Dr. Kenneth Ring. Ring was the first researcher to offer scientific validation of the bizarre...