The Logic of Human Personality shows how the ancient definition of person remains useful today, and explains how it happened to fall into disuse. The method of using the categories of Aristotle is illustrated by showing how action, relation, and time as well as the fundamental category of substance, can help us understand what it is to be a person. The Logic of Human Personality agrues, against Mill and others who have found Aristotle's categories unsatisfactory, that in fact they are useful for much psychological and anthropological research today, particularly in the intercultural field.
40669-5 OLD QUEENS , N.Y. , IN EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS , Vincent F. Seyfried and William Asadorian . Over 160 rare photographs of Maspeth ... 40903-1 THE BOOK OF THE SWORD , Sir Richard F. Burton . Great Victorian scholar / adventurer's ...
Looks at how time is consciously and unconsciously structured in various cultures and how time has been experienced by humans from prehistoric times to the present
other hand , arises within the recent ferment in natural science in connection with what is called “ the evolutionary ... The term ' evolutionary sequence ' has been used by Sidney W. Fox ; see " The Evolutionary Sequence : Origin and ...
noting that Duncan's piece “ conveys the quality of H. D.'s artistry , in a tribute made all the more valuable by the authentic continuity between H. D.'s poetry and Duncan's ” ( vii ) . Duncan titles the piece , to which Bloom refers ...
它是所有安並姻零和鏡子。恐棋,希望,承諾,蠕由排在角鈞上。人樊的痛苦告浜我伯]的奈西不工作因光的它位滾。在我們經常迷失在因痘迷宮,痛苦就走了,暫時,但什公工作不仍元法正常工作和另一介,更大,疼痛敲啊了警領中。人樊的元知和苦准是份值教十佐 ...
Contrary to many of the standard histories of German Idealism, the most recent research suggests that it did not grow smoothly and seamlessly from Kant's critical philosophy into Hegel's mature...
Robert Ellrodt's study of seven poets--springing from his wide-ranging three-volume work, Les Po�tes m�taphysiques anglais--challenges the postmodernist assumption that no definite or constant self can be traced in the works...
* Is it possible that you are living in other universes simultaneously with this one? * Do you travel back and forth between other dimensions without your conscious knowledge? * Could it be possible that you are only a splinter or fragment ...
This is the fifth book in the revolutionary Convoluted Universe series that begun in 2001.
叔本華,十九世紀的德國非理性主義哲學大師, 號稱史上最毒舌的哲學家, 他被後世定位為悲觀主義大師, 然而他充滿智慧的話語卻令人讀來猶如當頭棒喝, 為我們在挫折連連的世界裡,打開一扇又一扇的幸福之窗。 對於人生,他形容人生就像一個鐘擺,從痛苦擺到無聊。 談到秘密,他說千萬不要予以公開,因為不告訴敵人的事,也別告訴朋友。 關於處世,他認為絕不要辯駁別人,因為即使你智商再高,也不可能一件件糾正他。 尼采曾這樣讚美叔本華:「我一翻開叔本華的書,就好像馬上長出了一對翅膀」, 卡夫卡說:「叔本華是一個語言藝術家,僅僅因為他的語言,我們就應該無條件地讀他的著作。」 被諸位大師如此推崇的叔本華,其智慧結晶都集結在這本《叔本華的智慧》裡, 本書從人性出發,探討叔本華人生、處世、待人以及愛恨等領域的智慧話語, 深入淺出的語句,不僅讓你能一窺大師堂奧, 也能藉由這些思想,更進一步掌握自己的幸福人生。