Computers have not revolutionized social studies curricula because so few teachers use them. But research does indicate that computers are flexible instructional tools that can assist in the development of...
Computers, Thinking, and Social Studies
Computers and the Social Studies: Educating for the Future
Chicago : Rand - McNally , 1969 . Moroney , M. J. , Facts from Figures . Baltimore : Penguin , 1951 . Morrison , James B. , “ The Forthcoming Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Agricultural Science and Education System , ” Paper ...
The purpose of this notebook is to assist educators who are designing and implementing inservice education programs to facilitate the effective use of computer integrated instruction (CII) in schools. It...
The purpose of this book is to help teachers feel at ease with microcomputers so that they will begin to think of computers as tools that they themselves might use....
Explains how to use a personal computer to complete activities related to social studies, such as drawing maps, putting out a community newsletter, and creating a local time-line.
Using Computers in the Social Studies
Using Computers in the Social Studies
The book is addressed to researchers in education, teachers and preservice teachers, especially in social studies.