Beginning in the mid to late 1800s, firms such as J.T. Buel, W.D. Chapman, and the Enterprise Manufacturing Company produced lures that rivaled their overseas counterparts both in quantity and quality. This book provides a written and visual history of these and many other American lure companies. Collectors will enjoy this complete history of several of America's earliest fishing lure manufacturers - prior to 1901. 2000 values.
Buggy, buoyant, blendable! Fly Tying With Poly Yarn will show you the best ways to utilize this perfect material for your tying needs.
Many fly plates of the author's recommended best flies and the situations in which to use them. This book is almost as fun as the stream itself -- but it will reveal its secrets to you quickly!
This book is a must-have for all steelhead fly-fishermen.
The book is short, portrays its points expertly, it's touching and sad, even for an adult, and ends on one of those "fighting back a tear while I smile" moments that every single one of them seems to give me.
A history, identification, and value guide of fishing lure collectibles from 1940 until the mid 1980s, including lures, reels, rods, decoys, and miscellaneous items.
This remarkable book contains over 800 color photos, depicting every type of lure ever produced by the Creek Chub company. Plus there are many other fishing collectibles featured, as well as charts, historical pictures, and catalogs.
This book opens up a whole new world in fly fishing, it's time to start tying your own flies.
Explains how to identify, maintain, and restore vintage fishing equipment.
The book continues the tradition of high quality, detailed photographs useful in identifying small nuances important in lure collecting, as well as the author's practice of providing historical data for readers. 2005 values.
Eric Sorenson provides historical background on the origins and evolution of fishing gear, from information on the inventors of particular pieces and backgrounds on the companies that produced them, to tips on which pieces are highly ...