From poodle skirts of the 1950s to baby doll dresses of the 1990s, the fabrics of our everyday lives are featured in this handy reference guide to the materials of the last half century. A companion to Dating Fabrics: A Color Guide 1800-1960, this source is ideal for those studying fashion and clothing trends from the late twentieth century, as well as collectors of recent quilts. Today's quilts may have elements of more than one decade because many quilters collect a great deal of fabric, and may draw from one group of fabric over a long period of time. The recent proliferation of reproduction fabrics has caused concern for the ability to differentiate the old from the new in reproduction quilts and repairs. An informative section on these fabrics from the 1980-2000 era provides a blueprint for building confident conclusions as to the fabric's origins. For ease in identification, prints are shown actual size and specific fabric lines and styles are grouped and sorted by date, then color. Dating divisions coincide with turning points in history which influenced attitudes and styles, and are highlighted by a brief history of each era.
Thousands of fabric swatches presented in this guide book can help determine a date of manufacture and something about the fabric piece. Samples represent fabics made in the Americas from 1800-1960.
... Coton Park , Rugby , Warwickshire : A Middle Iron Age settlement with copper alloy casting , Archaeopress . Childe , V G , 1931 Skara Brae , a Pictish Village in Orkney Chinnock , C , 2017a The human bone , in S Morris , Archaeological ...
Bristol an Archaeological Assessment. A Worshipful Town and Famous City. Oxford: Oxbow Books. Barber, B., Allen, M. J., and Gale, R. 2006. 'Late Bronze Age activity at the former Stoke Park Hospital, Bristol.
... Date . MM II . LM IB , FINE FABRICS 4 ( Fig . 2 ; PS 2243 ; BV 6B - 4 ) . Closed vessel , body sherd . Max dim 6.4 . A fine fabric ( reddish yellow , 7.5YR 8/6 ) ; burnished . Convex profile . Dark slip : ex- terior . Added red paint ...
Motifs can range from minuscule (pin dots) to the supergraphics popularized by Marimekko in the mid—to—Iate twentieth century. Though scale is somewhat relative depending on application (e.g., a medium—scale quilting print might be ...
... fabric (pink, 7.5YR 8/4). Lobed rim; carination at center of body; handle with oval section. No decoration. From Locus E305.4. Not analyzed, visually attributed to Cre- tan South Coast Fabric, fine. Date: MM IIB. 35 (BR 132; Fig. 4; Pl. 2) ...
Part II: the coarse pottery, in J. Dore and N. Keay (eds) Excavations at Sabratha 1948-1951, Volume II, ... Guldager Bilde and M.L. Lawall (eds) Pottery, Peoples and Places: Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery: 157-73.
... fabrics which were saved from mechanical destruction yield the best results (e.g. pseudomorphic polyhalite in ... (2) The microfabric characterization of polyhalite in this study follows the mesoscale categories. The main groups are (1) ...
... jars in the native tradition sometimes applied a strip of woven or plaited fabric to rims and outer surfaces of their vessels before drying and firing them (pottery from Germa and Zinchecra kindly shown to me by Mr Charles Daniels).
Small patches of gold thread - the largest assemblage of Roman gold textile in Britain according to the excavators ... They all come from burials and date to the first-fifth centuries AD (DESROSIERS and LORQUIN 1998: 58 and catalogue).