The B-29 long-range bombing campaign against the Japanese home islands dictated unprecedented organization and command; hence, Arnold established the Twentieth Air Force, commanded by himself from Washington and reporting directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This new type of bombing offensive-distinct in command, organization, range, and weapons from the European experience-also called for exemplary operational combat leadership in the field. Here Arnold excelled in his command of the AAF, relieving a long-time colleague (Hansell) in favor of a hard-nosed operator (LeMay). This crucial move was a turning point in the Pacific war. Although the Soviet declaration of war on Japan was a factor in the Japanese surrender, it was the atomic bomb that politically shocked the Japanese to capitulation. Arnold, the architect of the bombing offensive, emphasized that Japan was already defeated in the summer of 1945 by the bombing and blockade and that it was not militarily necessary to drop the atomic bomb.
Alexander, H B. 1916: in L H Gray (ed). The Mythology of All Races, 13 vols. Archaeol Inst Amer (Boston); see vol xi, p91. Alexander, H B. 1916. Loc cit, p24d. Gray, L H (ed). 1916. Op cit, vol x, p221. Alexander, H B. 1916.
Their lifelong struggle brings success marred by human frailty and the cataclysm leaves beliefs deeply shaken. Cataclysm is the Third in the SAGA OF PACIFIC ISLANDS series of novels.
The Age of Cataclysm
June 12, 2014 By Trica M Stopowski – Goodreads Verified Purchase This review is from: Cataclysm (Kindle Edition) RJ Smith has a fabulous writing style. This book kept me on the edge of my seat. If only I didn't have to work I would have ...
Halpern, Naval History, p. 69. This is the best survey of the war at sea. 152. Keegan, First World War, pp. 231ff. 153. Marder, Dreadnought, Vol. 2, pp. 101–17. 154. Halpern, Naval History, pp. 91–3. 155. Strachan, First World War: To ...
The Cataclysm: Just the Facts
T'Amorach was a thriving world until the Cataclysm rendered it almost uninhabitable.
Cataclysm is popularly defined as “a great flood; deluge,” or “any violent upheaval that causes sudden violent changes, as an earthquake, war, etc.”85 While these definitions in and of themselves do not automatically imply a global ...
War is not fair. War is hell. Which side will you choose? "Dominic has achieved what all military sci-fi authors aspire to - an expansive, compelling plot with realistic dialogue between soldiers and intense combat scenes.