This resource addresses the need for developed and developing countries to enter into a new phase of global trade and economic development. It presents an overview of an integrated approach to sustainable development, discusses the importance of global participation from the public and private sectors, and demonstrates the importance of analyzing progress towards sustainability.
Modeling 2.3.4. ... Conservation in Developing Countries 2.4.5. Waterfowl Harvest Management 2.4.6. ... Conclusions Management of Technological Resources for Sustainable Development 33 Yukiko Fukasaku, Science and Technology ...
Coined in the 1970s, the term sustainable development and the ideas behind it have enjoyed varying amounts of popularity over the years.
Can we create a sustainable society? What would that mean? How should we set about doing it? How can we bring about such a profound change in the way things are organized? This text tackles these questions directly.
Guiding principles for sustainable development
Schrijver (Vrije U., Amsterdam) and Weiss (U. of Amsterdam) have both served on committees of the International Law Association (ILA).
Combining theory, empirical data, and policy this book provides a fresh analysis of sustainable finance.
These three volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College students Educators, Professional practitioners, Research personnel and Policy analysts, managers, and decision makers and NGOs.
McPhee, John. “Atchafalaya.” In The Control of Nature. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1989, 3– 93. McShane, Katie. “Environmental Ethics: An Overview.” Philosophy Compass 4/3 (2009): 407–420. Macy, Joanna L. “A Wild Love for the ...
This book explores the expanding international jurisprudence incorporating principles of international law on sustainable development.
The European Union action plan "Towards sustainability", grew in parallel with the initiative of the United Nations which culminated in the Rio declaration and the Agenda 21. With time, though,...