Multiple Objective Decision Making For Land, Water, and Environmental Management: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiple Objective Decision...

Multiple Objective Decision Making For Land, Water, and Environmental Management: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiple Objective Decision...
Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection
Samir A. El-Swaify, D.S. Yakowitz


Managing natural resources on a sustainable basis, reducing the threat of degradation, and conforming to various environmental regulations is a complex task. This timely book addresses the potential conflict between production-driven and environmentally driven objectives of natural resource use and management. It presents Multiple Objective Decision Support Systems (MODSS) as a holistic, ecosystem-based approach to urgent environmental management problems.
Multiple Objective Decision Making for Land, Water, and Environmental Management explores the following major themes:

  • Relevance of addressing user needs, various sectors of society, and different levels of clientele
  • MODSS methodologies, tools, components, and integration
  • Economic, social, cultural, and policy issues and applications (including risk assessment, conflict resolution, and sustainable development)
  • Applicability to global and regional issues, especially in Asia and the Pacific, including degradation processes in small island ecosystems and major river basins, and competitive uses of water for agriculture and aquaculture
    This book represents a forum for those interested in transforming available information into quantitative aids that facilitate decision making and offer viable solutions. It illustrates the diversity of perspectives and points of view in managing our global community.
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