(Meredith Music Resource). This book contains interviews with twenty late-career or retired music educators who established notable and distinguished school programs. Included are the most significant changes that occurred during their professional careers and, advice and words of wisdom dealing with literature selection, curriculum, classroom management, relationships with parents and guardians and overall program development.
In The Music Teacher, a penetrating and richly entertaining look into the heart and mind of a woman who has failed both as an artist and as a wife, Barbara Hall, award-winning creator and writer of such hit television series as Judging Amy ...
Don't. Smile. Until. Christmas . . . J. im's first music teaching position was in a small, rural town near Dubuque, Iowa. He taught high school, where he was responsible for the ninth- through twelfth-grade high school band, ...
Silverman, J., & Thompson, P. W. (2008). Toward a framework for the development of mathematical knowledge for teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11, 499–511. doi:10.1007/s10857-008-9089-5 Snow, S. L. (1998).
This book is the result of research done by Dr. Caron L. Collins of the Crane School of Music at the State University of New York in Potsdam.
6 In June I watched too much TV . In July I twiddled my thumbs . It's hard to think of anything good to do When your mind has gone completely numb ! 09 5 worden I've got the boredom blues , there's nothin ' for me to do .
With a wide variety of styles and familiar pieces, this book will take the beginning bassoonist from their first notes to their first orchestral excerpts.
The Oxford Handbook of Preservice Music Teacher Education in the United States identifies the critical need for change in Pre-K-12 music education.
For students who learn the material quickly, “curriculum compacting” (Reis, Burns, & Renzulli, 1993) is an option. This is a form of differentiation in which the teacher finds places where more advanced students already know the ...
Rebecca J.Cohen, MD,is a graduateofthe Mt.Sinai School of Medicine, and completed residency training at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, New York, whereshe served as chief resident of the Internal MedicinePrimary Care/Social Medicine ...
Only by identifying the music teaching style that guides your daily work can you consciously modify, refine, or choose your path to success. Initially, it is difficult to see that all the details of your teaching fit into a consistent ...